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I love the brand Armani. Although there are  many unpleasant things happend,  I still like this brand. The closest thing though is just a piece of cake.
这几天,我唯一能做的事情就是待在座位上孤立且无助的等待,等待 再等待他们的处理结果,给我的答复,但是等待到的居然是一次又一次的失望,

These days, the only thing I can do is to sit in my chair wait,  wait for the results of them, gave me the answer, but the result is still dispointed again and again.

According to the complaints to Armani and their responds. Why this very famous brand has been managed like this by these Distributor.
Their services, they are disappointed me even Despaired, and once I doubt your own life.

7月23号晚上我在陕西省西安市西稍门 开元商城1楼 阿玛尼专柜买了一瓶香水,第一瓶香水有问题,打开后发现香水有漏出,于是找商城更换了一瓶
The night of July 23rd, I bought a bottle of perfume in the Shaanxi Province, Xi'an City, west door slightly Kaiyuan shopping mall 1 floor of Armani counters, the first bottle of perfume has a problem, discovered after opening the perfume has leakage, and then find the mall replace a bottle



更换以后回家把香水放在家中桌子上 竖着放手碰倒了后香水直接裂开 瓶子存在质量问题, 立刻去找阿玛尼专柜人员协商此事。 有谁会知道,他们对我这个消费者的回答让我失望到极限 专柜人员态度极其恶劣 让我打12315投诉 自己去质监局检查他们的商品 我要求他们公司派人来解决此事
Replacement after the home put the perfume in the home on the table with it knocked perfume bottle directly after dehiscence of quality problems, immediately go to Armani counter staff to negotiate.
Replacement after the home put the perfume in the home on the table with it knocked perfume bottle directly after dehiscence of quality problems, immediately go to Armani counter staff to negotiate.
Who knows, they To me the consumers answer let me down to the limit of special personnel to extremely bad attitude let me make 12315 complaints to the Quality Supervision Bureau to check their goods I ordered them to company sent to resolve the matter


柜台营业员回答我说 根本不可能 你自己去想办法去。天啊,有没有天理了,难道现在买东西的顾客是孙子,他们厂商是大爷啊。 阿玛尼公司当时告

Counter clerk answered me impossible you to think of a way to go.
Counter clerk answered me impossible you to think of a way to go. Oh, there is no justice, don't buy things now customer is the grandson, their manufacturers is uncle ah. Armani company was told

诉我的解决方案是 给我送4个赠品香水 把我要打发掉。我当场拒绝。我要他们公司的电话 他们员工告诉我公司没有座机电话 经理的电话不能说。

The solution is to tell me I send 4 I will send out the gift of perfume. I refused on the spot. I want them to the phone company employee told they no landline phone manager of our company telephone can not say.

要公司的名称 问他们公司叫什么 员工回答不知道 只知道总公司叫 “北京美缇商贸有限公司” 我都怀疑他们的货品是否是真的。事情已经发生了 2

To the name of the company to ask them what company called staff do not know the answer only know the company named "Beijing pengsai trade limited company" I doubt whether their product is really. Things have happened in 2

3天了 他们公司现在对我置之不理,不管消费者。本人处于无奈 只能上网求助 希望广大网友帮小弟一把 转发一下,希望引起网友们的关注也同事为

For 3 days they now ignore me, regardless of whether the consumer. I am in the helpless can only connect to the Internet for help hope broad netizen help a brother look forward to, hope to cause the attention of netizens also colleagues


Our consumers legitimate rights to recover my door originally belong to my door. Let these businessmen can take warning.


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积分:1655  联商币:724
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老 T

积分:25296  联商币:9351
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积分:72784  联商币:36790
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积分:1655  联商币:724
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引用“ 老 T ” 发表于 2014-07-25 19:32 的帖子:

老 T

积分:25296  联商币:9351
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引用“ 木易 ” 发表于 2014-07-29 19:12 的帖子:
引用“ 老 T ” 发表于 2014-07-25 19:32 的帖子:-------------------------------- 老木快一年没上坛子啊,!啥一年没上,每周至少上一次联商


积分:61412  联商币:741542
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引用“ 木易 ” 发表于 2014-07-29 19:12 的帖子:
引用“ 老 T ” 发表于 2014-07-25 19:32 的帖子:-------------------------------- 老木快一年没上坛子啊,!啥一年没上,每周至少上一次联商


积分:72784  联商币:36790
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