联商网消息:昨日联商网论坛有网友爆料称“乐购CEO也出来稳定军心了”,并且贴出一封来自中国区首席执行官鲍睿琪写给员工的信。鲍睿琪表示,集团首席执行官Philip Clarke坚信TESCO在中国采取了正确的战略和恰当的行动来助力未来的增长。尽管短期内面临诸多挑战,TESCO仍致力于在中国取得长期发展。
我很高兴地和大家分享集团首席执行官Philip Clarke八月中国之行的反馈。Philip到访了北京和上海的办公室和门店,并与中国领导团队及员工会面。Philip用“非常棒”一词来形容他的中国之行,并表示上海光新店是他最近六个月以来看到的最出色的门店。Philip坚信,我们在中国采取了正确的战略和恰当的行动来助力未来的增长。我代表中国领导团队,向大家出色的工作表现和对业绩的推动表示祝贺,感谢各位不懈的努力和付出。
Message from Paul Ritchie, China CEO
I am excited to share with you the positive feedbacks from Philip Clarke, our Group CEO, on his recent August trip to China. Philip had been to Beijing and Shanghai visiting stores, meeting the leadership team and colleagues. Philip described his China trip as “fascinating” and the visit to Shanghai Guangxin store as his best in the last six months. Philip is convinced that we have the right strategies and take the appropriate action to support future growth. On behalf of the China leadership team, we applaud each of you for your energy and tireless efforts to progress excellent work and to drive trade.
China is the world's fastest-growing major retail market andwith a population of more than 1.3 billion people, rapidly increasing income levels and urbanization rates, the demand for a better living will drive the trade in the retail sector. We are committed to the long-term growth in China despite some of the short term challenges. The current transformation we are undergoing is to ensure our business is more compact and fit for future expansion. This year we will continue to grow, opening 130k sq meters of hypermarket space, another 2-3 Lifespace Malls, refit in Anshan Mall and an Extra in Shanghai, over 3,000 jobs will be created. Tesco is posed for greater prosperity in years to come.
We are grateful of your delivery and your contribution; those made a difference across the market. On behalf of the Tesco China leadership team, I ask you to maintain your focus on driving trade, being cost-disciplined and taking accountability throughout the year and beyond. Our goal remains the same and all of our efforts share one purpose: the continuous growth of Tesco into a customer focused business delivering profitable growth in China!
Thank you.
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